After finishing university my work style changed significantly as you can see. Turning from conceptual mostly unsellable work to creating work that could potentially find its way into peoples homes. It was a huge time of transition and learning how to essentially start up and run a business. There will always be a pull between creating what sells and creating based on idea. As I write this now in 2020 I look back over the last few years and can see I have developed the skill to discern how, why and what to create. I have managed to merge the two together to create work that has both idea, depth, experimentation and there for a unique work that has integrity. I enjoy many forms of creating and making and sway from conceptual to creating more simple objects that can fill the home. I enjoy all aspects of my practice because I have an outlet for all my different ideas and ways of working. One project informs the next even if they may look completely different. I have learnt how to find the time to develop all aspects of my practice, if that be through funding or just simply setting the time aside to focus on something new.